Source: schemas/graph_user.js documentation

 * @file GraphQl setters/ getter and db class definitions, {@link GraphUser}
 * @author based on whatever its take to suceed boilerplate by Trevis Gulby

const graphql = require('graphql');

/** Still WIP work, this const will be replace by mongodb results
 * when @GraphQlAPI will be working
const MOCKAPIS = [{
        name: 'n26',
        key: 'thisithekey',
        secret: 'thisisthesecret',
        name: 'etoro',
        key: 'thisithekey',
        secret: 'thisisthesecret',

const MOCKASSET = [{
    name: 'Euro',
    ticker: 'EUR',
    qtt: 33.33,
}, {
    name: 'Ethereum',
    ticker: 'ETH',
    qtt: 42.42,

const MOCKUSERS = [{
        email: '',
        username: 'foobar',
        usercurrency: 'EUR',
        ethaddr: 'NONE',
        telegramid: '12345',
        password: 'toto',
        Apis: MOCKAPIS,
        Assets: MOCKASSET,
        email: '',
        username: 'foobi',
        usercurrency: 'EUR',
        ethaddr: 'NONE',
        telegramid: '12345',
        password: 'tutu',
        Apis: MOCKAPIS,
        Assets: MOCKASSET,

const MockApisType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'userapis',
    fields: function () {
        return {
            name: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            key: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            secret: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,

const MockAssetType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'userasset',
    fields: function () {
        return {
            name: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            ticker: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            qtt: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,

const MockUserType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'users',
    fields: function () {
        return {
            username: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            email: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            usercurrency: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            ethaddr: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            telegramid: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            password: {
                type: graphql.GraphQLString,
            Apis: {
                type: MockApisType,
            Assets: {
                type: MockAssetType,

const UserQueryType = new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'Query',
    fields: () => {
        return {
            users: {
                type: new graphql.GraphQLList(MockUserType),
                resolve: () => {
                    // INsert Mongoose results
                    return MOCKUSERS;

module.exports = new graphql.GraphQLSchema({
    query: UserQueryType,