Source: bots/coinboardbot.js documentation

 * @file Main runable executable for {@link module:cbbot~CbBot} service
 * @author based on telegraf module exemples and edited by Trevis Gulby
 * @license MIT

/** @class */
class CbBot {
    /** @constructor */
    constructor () {
        /** Import [telegraf](
         * module for easy bot management */
        this.Telegraf = require('telegraf');
        /** Import {@link refresh} bot function (aka fetch and store feeds ) */
        this.rfrsh = require('./acts/refresh_act');
        /** Import {@link digest} bot function (aka parse feeds ) */
        this.digst = require('./acts/datamine_act');
        /** Import {@link showfiles} bot function (aka tree DTAFOOD/ ) */
        this.showf = require('./acts/showfiles_act');
        /** Import {@link mibank} bot function (get bank account status) */
        this.mibank = require('./acts/mibank_act');
        /** Commands array */
        this.cmds = [this.rfrsh, this.digst, this.showf, this.mibank];
        /** Import BOT_TOKEN from creds json file */
        this.creds = process.env.RUN_MODE == 'priv' ? require('../../creds') :
        this.bottoken = this.creds.TelegramBot.BOT_TOKEN;
        /** Bot startup with new {@link Telegraf} object */ = new this.Telegraf(this.bottoken);
        /** To get authentication and user datas methods */
        this.User = require('../schemas/user');

/** Dummy logger helper function to print received cmd
 * @param {string} cmd new client assets data to be recorded
 * @param {Object} usr user first_name , last_name and socket ID
CbBot.prototype.logthiscmd = function (cmd, usr) {
    let log = 'COINBOARD_BOT: Received command [' + cmd + '] from ';
    log += '[' + usr.fname + ' ' + usr.lname + ']';
    log += ' ID: ' +;
    process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? console.log(log) : log;

/** Logging helper function to print all messages sent to bot */
CbBot.prototype.logthismsg = function () {
    let _this = this;'message', (ctx) => {
        let usr = ctx.from.first_name + ' ' + ctx.from.last_name;
        let log = 'COINBOARD_BOT: (Received msg :\nfrom [' + usr + '])\n';
        log += ctx.message.text;
        process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? console.log(log) : log;

/** Kind of switch statement for running known bot command's
 * @param {string} cmd The requested command [ /cmd + args ]
 * @param {Object} ctx The telegraf object containing methods and user chat
 * @param {Object} who The object containing all user data from db
CbBot.prototype.runcommands = function (cmd, ctx, who) {
    let _this = this;
    let exec = 0;
    for (let el in this.cmds) {
        if (this.cmds.hasOwnProperty(el) &&
  [el].id) !== -1) {
            exec += 1;
            let args = cmd.split(' ')[1] !== undefined ? cmd.split(' ')[1] : '';
            _this.cmds[el].func(args, who, (d) => {
                if (d.length < 30) {
    if (!exec) {
        let resp = '[' + cmd + '] : unknow command sorry';

/** Authentification based on in chat Telegram user ID and local db records
 * @param {string} cmd The requested command [ /cmd + args ]
 * @param {Objet} user An object containing first and last names and TelegramID
 * @param {Object} ctx The telegraf object containing methods and user chat
CbBot.prototype.authme = function (cmd, user, ctx) {
    let _this = this;
    let who = {};
    who['telegramid'] =;
        .exec((err, user) => {
            if (user) {
                let log = 'COINBOARD_BOT: User [' + user.username + ']';
                log += ' send this command';
                process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? console.log(log) : log;
                return _this.runcommands(cmd, ctx, who);
            } else {
                ctx.reply('Sorry, you must be registered to use bot functions');

/** Listen for '/[cmd]' style message to run
 * bot functions for registered users
 * @note simple wrapper around bot.hears()
 * telegraf method ;)
CbBot.prototype.getcommands = function () {
    let _this = this;
    /** Main bot listening command 'getter' function */\/(.+)/, (ctx) => {
        const chatId =;
        let cmd = ctx.message.text;
        let usr = {
            fname: ctx.from.first_name,
            lname: ctx.from.last_name,
            id: chatId,
        _this.logthiscmd(cmd, usr);
        _this.authme(cmd, usr, ctx);

/** Main launcher method
 *  @property {function} bot.start answer Welcome when start
 *  @property {function} bot.hello if hello cmd answer with Welcome message
 *  @property {function} bot.hears other way to get a reply from bot
CbBot.prototype.turnmeon = function () {
    let _this = this; => {
        return ctx.reply('Welcome!');
    });, (ctx) => {
        let rep = 'Hello M.' + ctx.from.last_name + ', how can I help you ?';
    /** listen for commands */
    /** Listen for any kind of messages */
    /** Polling from telegram servers event */;

/** Launching bot !! */
const mibot = new CbBot();
/** [Telegram]( bot for coin_board
 * @see CbBot
 * @module cbbot
 * @namespace telegrambot